A Cat's Life

Mon chat et moi, la grande aventure de Rroû
2023 83 min.
The wild cat Rroû likes to hop on the rooftops of Paris. His fate changes when a ten-year-old girl, Clémence, adopts him and takes him to the countryside. Adaptation of the popular book by Maric Genevoix.
Sections: No parents
Country: France
Directed by: Guillaume Maidatchevsky
Starring: Corinne Masiero, Capucine Sainson-Fabresse
Language: Czech with English subtitles
Supported by:
Side event (only for selected shows)
23.04. 2 p.m.
Prague - Přítomnost
Do you know how people figured out that they can also watch fairy tales, not just read or listen to them?
They found that the eyes "remember" what they saw a short time ago. Thanks to this, more than a hundred years ago, film was born. But it was a long journey full of interesting things. We will get to know them in the amusement park of film inventions. And we will also create our own short film stories. We will watch them in devices such as a praxinoscope, but also on a screen, with the help of a magic lantern.
The accompanying program is suitable for families with children aged 6 and over and is led by an experienced lecturer from the Free Cinema organization.
Entrance fee to Prague's Přítomnosti pro dětí for the film and workshop: CZK 200. Price for the film only: CZK 150.
Supported by:
- Přítomnost
+ Events
Su 23.04. 2 p.m.
Hradec Králové
- Bio Central
Sa 29.04. 3:30 p.m.
- Panorama
Sa 29.04. 5 p.m.
Jablonec n. N.
- Kino Junior
Fr 28.04. 5 p.m.
- Kino Centrum
Su 23.04. 5 p.m.
- Kino Střelnice
We 26.04. 5 p.m.
- Kino Oko
Fr 28.04. 3:15 p.m.
- Kino Svět
Sa 29.04. 2:30 p.m.
- Kino Sokolský dům
Th 27.04. 5 p.m.
- Kino Svět
We 26.04. 5 p.m.
- Kino Svět
Th 27.04. 5:45 p.m.
- Kino Svět
Fr 28.04. 5:30 p.m.
- Kino Svět
Sa 29.04. 5:30 p.m.
- Kino Svět
Su 30.04. 5:30 p.m.
Červený Kostelec
- Kino Luník
Th 27.04. 5 p.m.