Wild Prague

Planeta Praha
2022 85 min.
Prague. At first glance, it is a stone and, more recently, also a concrete jungle. But even here, in a city of millions, there is a surprising amount of wildlife. Documentary filmmaker Jan Hošek, author of the prized film Planeta Česko, uses modern technology to bring them up close.
Sections: There’s a hope
Country: Czech Republic
Directed by: Jan Hošek
Starring: Jiří Macháček (vypravěč), Richard Stanke (vypravěč)
Language: Czech with English subtitles
Side event (only for selected shows)
21.04. 6:30 p.m.
Prague - Lucerna
During the festival, stop on your way to the movie at the Lucerna cafe to view the exhibition of the non-profit organization Voice of Animals. You will see photos and read stories of happy and less fortunate animals that were not lucky enough to have the right owners. Fortunately, Voice of the Animals found out about their abuse or neglect and arranged redress.
Do you also want to help defend the rights and interests of animals around the world? You can support the Voice of Animals with a financial contribution here (https://www.hlaszvirat.cz/podporte-nas)
Want to learn more about the work of Animal Voice experts? Come to the opening of the exhibition on April 21. from 6 p.m. in the Lucerna Café or for a discussion after the film Planeta Praha in the Lucerna cinema on 21.4.
The exhibition will last until 24.4. and is freely accessible in Cafe Lucerna (Vodičkova 36, Prague 1)
Supported by:
21.04. 6:30 p.m.
Ostrava - Planetárium
21.04. 5 p.m.
Ostrava - Planetárium
23.04. 3 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
23.04. 5 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
23.04. 7 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
23.04. 7 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
22.04. 2 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
22.04. 3 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
23.04. 2 p.m.
Brno - Hvězdárna
22.04. 6 p.m.
Ostrava - Planetárium
In Brno and Ostrava, seven films will be shown in astronomical observatories transformed into movie theaters. We will look at the Moon Base in a detailed project or Greenland, where the temperature is -22.7°C and the Arctic Ocean inspires electronic music. We will discuss planetary problems after the visually captivating documentary How We Were; we will celebrate Earth Day with the mostly invisible inhabitants of Planet Prague and the marine Nation of Whales, with always funny Lukáš Rumlena interviews. Families with children will enjoy the observatories and planetariums during the busy weekend. For the older ones, we are preparing an asteroid Mission, a search for the impact site of space debris. The youngest will go with the ever-hungry duo of animated squirrels to another planet for the tempting Hazelnuts!
Supported by:

- Lucerna - Small stage
+ Events
Fr 21.04. 6:30 p.m.
- Hvězdárna
+ Events
Su 23.04. 5 p.m.