Voice of animals - opening

April 21, 2023

During the festival, stop on your way to the movie at the Lucerna cafe to view the exhibition of the non-profit organization Hlas zvířat. You will see photos and read stories of happy and less fortunate animals that were not lucky enough to have the right owners. Fortunately, Voice of the Animals found out about their abuse or neglect and was able to seek redress.

Do you also want to help defend the rights and interests of animals around the world? You can support the Voice of Animals with a financial contribution here.

Want to learn more about the work of Voice of Animals experts? Come to the opening of the exhibition on April 21. from 6 p.m. in the Lucerna Café or for a discussion after the movie Planeta Praha at the Lucerna cinema on April 21.

The exhibition will last until 27.4. and is freely accessible in Lucerna Café (Vodičkova 36, Prague 1).

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